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Writing Prompt #17: Find a Bible verse where God is depicted or speaking and analyze it from the perspective of God's feminine form (God's many covenants with her people, God's love for humanity, etc.)

Writing Prompt #17: Find a Bible verse or faith image that is like a fairy tale and make it into a fairy tale story

Writing Prompt #16 Write about faith from the point of view of a non-human being (animal, bug, bird, etc.)

Writing Prompt #15 Write about Eden

Writing Prompt #14 Write about the Holy Spirit: Fire, dove, wind, muse, pick or make up a metaphor

Writing Prompt #13 Write about a saint who is inspiring to you

Writing Prompt #12 Write about a woman from the Bible

Writing Prompt #11 Write about darkness

Writing Prompt #10 Write about something that God created and imagine what God would have said about it afterward

Writing Prompt #9 Frederick Buechner quote: "The place God calls you is the place where your deep gladness and the world's great hunger meet". Where is this place for you?